Publication list
Complete publication list of Dr Andrew McGovern current an NIHR clinical fellow in diabetes and endocrinology at the University of Exeter. He also holds honorary positions at the University of Surrey, as part of the clinical informatics team under Professor Simon de Lusignan.
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Articles | |
Oral Presentations | |
Poster presentations | |
Abstracts |
Journal and Peer Reviewed Articles
Dennis J, McGovern A, Vollmer S, Mateen B Improving Survival of Critical Care Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019 in England: A National Cohort Study, March to June 2020 Critical Care Medicine (2020). doi:10.1097/CCM.0000000000004747
Dennis J, Mateen B, Sonabend R, Thomas N, Patel K, Hattersley A, Denaxas S, McGovern A, Vollmer S Type 2 Diabetes and COVID-19-Related Mortality in the Critical Care Setting: A National Cohort Study in England, March-July 2020 Diabetes Care (2020). doi:10.2337/dc20-1444
Ogundipe O, Mazidi M, Chin K, Gor D, McGovern A, Sahle B, Jermendy G, Korhonen M, Appiah B, Ademi Z, De Bruin M, Liew D, Ofori-Asenso R. Real-world adherence, persistence, and in-class switching during use of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors: a systematic review and meta-analysis involving 594,138 patients with type 2 diabetes Acta Diabetologica (2020). doi:10.1007/s00592-020-01590-w
McGovern A, Hogg M, Shields B, Sattar N, Holman R, Pearson E, Hattersley A, Jones A, Dennis J. Risk factors for genital infections in people initiating SGLT2 inhibitors and their impact on discontinuation BMJ Open Diabetes Research & Care (2020). doi:10.1136/bmjdrc-2020-001238
Whyte M, Hinton W, McGovern A, van Vlymen J, Ferreira F, Calderara S, Mount J, Munro N, de Lusignan S. Disparities in glycaemic control, monitoring, and treatment of type 2 diabetes in England: A retrospective cohort analysis PLoS Medicine (2019). doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1002942
McGovern A, Dennis J, Shields B, Hattersley A, Pearson E, Jones A. What to do with diabetes therapies when HbA1c lowering is inadequate: Add, switch, or continue? A MASTERMIND study BMC Medicine (2019). doi:10.1186/s12916-019-1307-8
Dennis J, Henley W, McGovern A, Farmer A, Sattar N, Holman R, Pearson E, Hattersley A, Shields B, Jones A. Time trends in prescribing of type 2 diabetes drugs, glycaemic response and risk factors: A retrospective analysis of primary care data, 2010-2017 Diabetes Obesity and Metabolism (2019). doi:10.1111/dom.13687
Rayner L, McGovern A, Sherlock J, Gatenby P, Correa A, Creagh-Brown B, de Lusignan S. The impact of therapy on the risk of asthma in type 2 diabetes BMJ (2019). doi:10.1111/crj.13011
Hinton W, McGovern A, Coyle R, Han T, Sharma P, Correa A, Ferreira F, de Lusignan S. Incidence and prevalence of cardiovascular disease in English primary care: A cross-sectional and follow-up study of the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) Research and Surveillance Centre (RSC) BMJ Open (2018). doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-020282
Rayner L, McGovern A , Creagh-Brown B, Woodmansey C, de Lusignan S. Type 2 Diabetes And Asthma: Systematic Review of the Bidirectional Relationship Current Diabetes Reviews (2018). doi:10.2174/1573399814666180711114859
Rayner L, McGovern A , Sherlock J, Gatenby P, Correa A, Creagh-Brown B, de Lusignan S. Type 2 diabetes: A protective factor for COPD? Primary Care Diabetes (2018). doi:/10.1016/j.pcd.2018.05.002
Ansari A, de Lusignan S, Hinton W, Munro N, Taylor S, McGovern A. Glycemic control is an important modifiable risk factor for uveitis in patients with diabetes: A retrospective cohort study establishing clinical risk and ophthalmic disease burdenJ Diabetes Complications (2018). doi:10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2018.03.008
Kumar S, de Lusignan S, McGovern A, Corres A, Hriskova M, Gatenby P, Jones S, Goldsmith D, Camm A. Ischaemic stroke, haemorrhage, and mortality in older patients with chronic kidney disease newly started on anticoagulation for atrial fibrillation: a population based study from UK primary care. BMJ (2018). doi:10.1136/bmj.k342
Ansari AS, de Lusignan S, Hinton W, Munro N, Taylor S, McGovern A, Understanding the relationship between diabetes, retinopathy, glycaemic control, acute uveitis, and scleritis or episcleritis: A cohort database study. J Diabetes Complications, (2018). doi:10.1016/j.jdiacomp.2018.03.008.
McGovern A, Hinton W, Calderara S, Munro N, Whyte M, de Lusignan S. A Class Comparison of Medication Persistence in People with Type 2 Diabetes: A Retrospective Observational Study. Diabetes Ther, (2018). 9:229–242. doi:10.1007/s13300-017-0361-5
McGovern A, Tippu Z, Hinton W, Munro N, Whyte M, de Lusignan S. Comparison of medication adherence and persistence in type 2 diabetes: A systematic review and meta‐analysis. Diabetes Obes Metab, (2018). 20(4):1040-1043. doi:10.1111/dom.13160. PMID: 29135080
Woodmansey C, McGovern AP, McCullough KA, Whyte MB, Munro NM, Correa AC, Gatenby PAC, Jones S, de Lusignan S. Incidence, Demographics, and Clinical Characteristics of Diabetes of the Exocrine Pancreas (Type 3c): A Retrospective Cohort Study. Diabetes Care, (2017). doi:10.2337/dc17-0542. PMID: 28860126
Ansari AS, de Lusignan S, Hinton W, Munro N, McGovern A. The association between diabetes, level of glycaemic control and eye infection: Cohort database study. Prim Care Diabetes, (2017) 11, 421-429. doi:10.1016/j.pcd.2017.05.009. PMID: 28648963.
McGovern A. Glycaemic control in the elderly: What should we be aiming for? Journal of Diabetes Nursing (2017). 21(4): 133–137.
Hinton W, Liyanage H, McGovern A, Liaw ST, Kuziemsky C, Munro N, de Lusignan S. Measuring Quality of Healthcare Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes from Routine Data: a Seven-nation Survey Conducted by the IMIA Primary Health Care Working Group. Primary Health Care Informatics Working Group Contribution to the Year Book of Medical Informatics 2017. Yearb Med Inform (2017) 26(1). doi: 10.15265/IY-2017-005. PMID: 28480471
McGovern A, Feher M, Munro N, de Lusignan S. Sodium-Glucose Co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) Inhibitor: Comparing Trial Data and Real-World Use. Diabetes Ther (2017) 8(2):365-376. doi:10.1007/s13300-017-0254-7. PMID: 28324484
Tippu Z, Correa A, Liyanage H, Burleigh D, McGovern A, Van Vlymen J, Jones S, de Lusignan S, Ethnicity Recording in Primary Care Computerised Medical Record Systems: An Ontological Approach. Journal of Innovation in Health Informatics, (2017) 23(4), 799–806. doi:10.14236/jhi.v23i4.920. PMID: 28346128
McGovern A, Feher M, Munro N, de Lusignan S. Sodium-Glucose Co-Transporter-2 (SGLT2) Inhibitors: Comparing Trial and Real World Use (Study Protocol). Diabetes Ther (2017) doi:10.1007/s13300-017-0229-8. PMID: 28138853
Ansari AS, de Lusignan S, Arrowsmith B, Hinton W, Munro N, McGovern A. Association Between Diabetes, Level of Glycemic Control, and Eye Infection: A Cohort Study. Diabetes Care (2016). Dec; dc162320. 6:e012801 doi:10.2337/dc16-2320. PMID: 28034859
McGovern AP, Hinton W, Correa A, Munro N, Whyte M, de Lusignan S. Real-world evidence studies into treatment adherence, thresholds for intervention and disparities in treatment in people with type 2 diabetes in the UK. BMJ Open (2016). 6:e012801 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012801. PMID: 27884846
de Lusignan S, McGovern AP, Tahir MA, Hassan S, Jones S, Halter M, Joly L, Drennan VM. Physician Associate and General Practitioner Consultations: A Comparative Observational Video Study. PLoS ONE (2016). 11(8): e0160902. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0160902. PMID: 27560179
Hine JL, de Lusignan S, Burleigh D, Pathirannehelage S, McGovern A, Gatenby P, Jones S, Jiang D, Williams J, Elliot AJ, Smith GE, Brownrigg J, Hinchcliffe R, Munro N. Association between glycaemic control and common infections in people with Type 2 diabetes: a cohort study. Diabet. Med. (2016). Epub ahead of print. doi: 10.1111/dme.13205. PMID: 27548909
Correa A, Hinton W, McGovern AP, van Vlymen J, Yonova I, Jones, S. de Lusignan S. Royal College of General Practitioners Research and Surveillance Centre (RCGP RSC) sentinel network: a cohort profile. BMJ Open (2016). 6:e011092. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011092. PMID: 27098827
McGovern AP, Tippu Z, Hinton W, Munro N, Whyte M, de Lusignan S. A systematic review of adherence rates by medication class in type 2 diabetes: Study protocol. BMJ Open (2016). 6:e010469 doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2015-010469. PMID: 26928029
McGovern AP, Hine J, de Lusignan S. Increased infection risk in the elderly with reduced glycaemic control. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. (2016). doi: 10.1016/S2213-8587(16)00043-7
McGovern AP, Fieldhouse H, Tippu Z, Jones S, Munro N, de Lusignan S. Glucose test provenance recording in UK primary care: was that fasted or random? Diabet. Med. (2016). 34(1):93-98. doi: 10.1111/dme.13067. PMID: 26773331
Gabriel J, McGovern AP, Robinson S, Wright DA, Chevassut T. A systematic study comparing aspirate versus trephine for quantifying plasma cell infiltration in newly-diagnosed myeloma. Br J Haematol (2016). 174(5):818-20. doi: 10.1111/bjh.13807. PMID: 26492094
McGovern A, Hinchliffe R, Munro N, de Lusignan S. Basing approval of drugs for type 2 diabetes on real world evidence. BMJ (2015). 3;351:h5829. doi: 10.1136/bmj.h5829. PMID: 26530057
Chowdhury B, McGovern A, Cui Y, Choudhury SR, Cho I, Cooper B, Chevassut T, Lossie AC, Irudayaraj J. The hypomethylating agent Decitabine causes a paradoxical increase in 5-hydroxymethylcytosine in human leukemia cells. Sci Rep (2015). 5:9281. doi: 10.1038/srep09281. PMID: 25901663
Poh N, McGovern A, de Lusignan S, Gilbert R. Improving the measurement of longitudinal change in renal function: automated detection of changes in laboratory creatinine assay. J Innov Health Inform (2015). 22(2):293–301. doi: 10.14236/jhi.v22i2.81. PMID: 26245243
McGovern A, Woodman J, Allister J, van Vlymen J, Liyanage H, Jones S, Rafi I, de Lusignan S, Gilbert R. A simple clinical coding strategy to improve recording of child maltreatment concerns: an audit study. Inform Prim Care (2015). 22(1):227–234. doi: 10.14236/jhi.v22i1.93. PMID: 25924555
McGovern AP, Jones S, van Vlymen J, Saggar AK, Sandford R, de Lusignan S. Identification of people with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease using routine data: a cross sectional study. BMC nephrology (2014). 15(82). 20;15:182. doi: 10.1186/1471-2369-15-182. PMID: 25412767
McGovern AP, Dutta N, Munro N, Watters K, Feher M. Dapagliflozin: Clinical practice compared with pre-registration trial data. Br J Diabetes Vasc Dis. (2014). 14:138-143. doi: 10.15277/bjdvd.2014.047.
McGovern AP, Munro M, Watters K, Feher M. Profound weight reduction with GLP-1 agonist therapy: a delayed hyper-response. Practical Diabetes (2014). 31(7): 286. doi: 10.1002/pdi.1887.
McGovern A, Woodman J, Allister J, van Vlymen J, Liyanage H, Jones S, Rafi I, de Lusignan S, Gilbert R. A simple clinical coding strategy to improve recording of child maltreatment concerns: an audit study. BJGP (2014). 64(618): 389-390. 10.3399/bjgp14X680881. PMID: 25071038
Brownrigg J, de Lusignan S, McGovern A, Hughes C, Thompson M, Ray K, Hinchcliffe R. Peripheral neuropathy and the risk of cardiovascular events in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Heart
(2014). 100(23):1837-43. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2014-305657. PMID: 25095826
Cookson G, McGovern A. The Cost-Effectiveness of Nurse Staffing and Skill Mix on Nurse Sensitive Outcomes: A Report for The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. NICE (2014).
Rafiq M, McGovern A, Jones S, Harris K, Tomson C, Gallagher H, de Lusignan S. Falls in the elderly were predicted opportunistically using a decision tree and systematically using a database-driven screening tool. J Clin Epidemiol (2014). 67(8):877-86. doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2014.03.008. PMID: 24786593
McGovern A, Butler L, Munro N, de Lusignan S. Gestational diabetes mellitus follow-up in primary care: A missed opportunity. Diabetes & Primary Care (2014). 16(2): 60.
McGovern A, Butler L, Jones S, van Vlymen J, Sadek K, Munro N, Carr H, de Lusignan S. Diabetes screening after gestational diabetes in England: A quantitative retrospective cohort study. BJGP (2014). 64(618):e17-e23. doi: 10.3399/bjgp14X676410. PMID: 24567578
McGovern A, Butler L, Jones S, van Vlymen J, Sadek K, Munro N, Carr H, de Lusignan S. Diabetes screening after gestational diabetes in England: A quantitative retrospective cohort study [Abridged text in print]. BJGP (2014). 64(618):22-23. PMID: 24567578
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McGovern AP, de Lusignan S, van Vlymen J, Liyanage H, Tomson CR, Gallagher H, Rafiq M, Jones S. Serum phosphate as a risk factor for cardiovascular events in people with and without chronic kidney disease: A large community based cohort study. PLoS One (2013). 8(9):e74996. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0074996.
PMID: 24040373
McGovern AP, Rusholme B, Jones S, van Vlymen J, Liyanage H, Gallagher H, Tomson C, Khunti K, Harris K, de Lusignan S. Association of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and failure to monitor renal function with vascular and renal events and mortality in people with diabetes: A cohort study using routinely collected primary care data. BMC nephrology (2013). doi: 10.1186/1471-2369-14-19814:198. PMID: 24047312
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Research interview with: |
Bisling KE, Brewin NJ, McGovern AP, Horne GA, Rider T, Stewart HJ, Ramsahoye BH, Chevassut TJ. DNMT3A Mutations at the R882 hotspot are only found in the major clones of Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Leukemia & Lymphoma (2014). 55(3):711-4. doi: 10.3109/10428194.2013.811580. PMID: 23741974
de Lusignan S, Gallagher H, Jones S, Chan T, van Vlyman J, Tahir A, Thomas N, Jain N, Dmitrieva O, Rafi I, McGovern A, Harris K. Audit-based education lowers systolic blood pressure in chronic kidney disease: the Quality Improvement in CKD (QICKD) trial results. Kidney International (2013). 84(3):609-20. doi: 10.1038/ki.2013.96. PMID: 23536132
McGovern AP, Powell BE, Chevassut TJ. A dynamic multi-compartmental model of DNA methylation with demonstrable predictive value in hematological malignancies. Journal of Theoretical Biology (2012). 310:14-20. doi: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2012.06.018. PMID: 22728673
Oral presentations:
McGovern A, Hinton W, Tippu Z, Whyte M, de Lusignan S.
Ethnic disparities in medication persistence in type 2 diabetes: Non-whites have reduced persistence [Presentation].
American Diabetes Association's 76th Scientific Sessions. New Orleans, USA. June 11th, 2016.
McGovern A, Hine J, de Lusignan S.
The incidence of infection is higher in older people with poor glycaemic control [Moderated Oral Poster Presentation].
American Diabetes Association's 76th Scientific Sessions. New Orleans, USA. June 11th, 2016.
McGovern AP, Dutta N, Watters K, Munro N, Feher M.
Added weight loss effects with Dapagliflozin and GLP-1 agonists [Presentation].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. London, UK. March 11th, 2015.
McGovern A, Rafiq M, Munro N, Butler L, Russell-Jones D, Jones S, Hinchcliffe R, de Lusignan S.
Peripheral sensory neuropathy is a predictor of mortality in people with diabetes [Presentation].
American Diabetes Association's 73rd Scientific Sessions. Chicago, USA. June 22nd, 2013.
Rusholme B, McGovern AP, de Lusignan S, van Vlymen J, Jones S, QICKD Trial Investigators.
People with diabetes and unmonitored renal function are at increased risk of an adverse outcome: cohort study [Presentation].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Manchester, UK. March 15th, 2013.
McGovern AP, Rusholme B, de Lusignan S, van Vlymen J, Jones S, QICKD Trial Investigators.
The relationship between hypertension, eGFR, proteinuria and cardiovascular disease in people with diabetes: cohort study [Presentation].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Manchester, UK. March 15th, 2013.
McGovern AP, de Lusignan S, Jones S.
Is Phosphate the new Cholesterol? [Presentation].
National Foundation Doctors' Presentation Day (2013). Bristol, UK. Jan 18th, 2013.
Poster presentations:
AP McGovern, NJ Thomas, SJ Vollmer, AT Hattersley, BA Mateen and JM Dennis
In younger people with diabetes the disproportionate additional covid-19 mortality risk of covid-19 warrants vaccination prioritisation [Poster].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Online, UK. April 19-30th, 2021.
RE Farmer, I Beard, AP McGovern, A Tebboth, ND Gollop, SI Raza, N Kanumilli and A Ternouth
Characteristics associated with choice of glucose lowering drug class at time of initiation: An exploratory analysis in the UK clinical practice research datalink [Poster].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Online, UK. April 19-30th, 2021.
W Hinton, AS Ansari, MB Whyte, AP McGovern, MD Feher, N Munro, S de Lusignan
What effect do sodium-glucose co-transporter- 2 [SGLT2] inhibitors have on heart failure in real-world clinical practice? A meta-analysis of observational studies [Poster].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Online, UK. April 19-30th, 2021.
KG Young, JM Dennis, NJ Thomas, AG Jones, A McGovern, BM Shields, I Barroso, AT Hattersley
Participants with undiagnosed diabetes in UK Biobank wait on average two years to receive a diagnosis, and simple clinical features are associated with diagnosis delays [Poster].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Online, UK. April 19-30th, 2021.
IK Mayne, NJ Thomas, KD Hirwa, AK Wong, CJE Holland, A Hashimi, AT Hattersley, AP McGovern
In gestational diabetes, patient-led insulin titration is rapidly effective, safe and results in a significant reduction in birthweight [Poster].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Online, UK. April 19-30th, 2021.
Whyte MB, McGovern A, Hinton W, Arrowsmith B, de Lusignan S.
Does the presence of NAFLD influence prescribing behaviour in Type 2 diabetes [Poster].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Manchester, UK. March 8-10th, 2017.
Coleman M, Hinton W, McGovern A, de Lusignan S, Shawe J.
Preconception folic acid uptake in women with diabetes of childbearing age: findings from the Royal College of General Practitioners Research Surveillance Centre [Poster].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Manchester, UK. March 8-10th, 2017.
McGovern A, Hinton W, de Lusignan S.
A national audit of SGLT2 use in England [Poster].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Manchester, UK. March 8-10th, 2017.
Ansari AS, de Lusignan S, Arrowsmith B, Hinton W, McGovern A
The relationship between diabetes, retinopathy, glycaemic control, acute uveitis, and scleritis [Poster].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Manchester, UK. March 8-10th, 2017.
Ansari AS, de Lusignan S, Arrowsmith B, Hinton W, McGovern A
Is diabetes really a risk factor for acute eye infection? [Poster].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Manchester, UK. March 8-10th, 2017.
Woodmansey C, McCullough K, McGovern A, Hinton W, Arrowsmith B, Correa A, Munro N, Gatenby P, de Lusignan S
The distinct epidemiology of 'Type 3c' diabetes should prompt consideration of chronic pancreatic disease as the possible cause of a patient's diabetes [Poster].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Manchester, UK. March 8-10th, 2017.
Hinton W, McGovern A, Arrowsmith B, Munro N, Whyte M, de Lusignan S.
Disparities in the monitoring and complication screening of people with type 2 diabetes [Poster].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Manchester, UK. March 8-10th, 2017.
McGovern A, Hinton W, Arrowsmith B, Munro N, Whyte M, de Lusignan S.
Disparities in the prescribing of DPP-4 inhibitors, SGLT2 inhibitors, and GLP-1 analogues [Poster].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Manchester, UK. March 8-10th, 2017.
McGovern A, Hinton W, Curtis BH, van Brunt K, Calderara S, de Lusignan S.
Differences in persistence by class of oral therapy for the treatment of type 2 diabetes [Poster].
52nd EASD Annual Meeting, Munich, Germany, 12–16th September, 2016.
Hinton W, McGovern A, Whyte M, Curtis BH, McCullough K, van Brunt K, Calderara S, de Lusignan S.
52nd EASD Annual Meeting, Munich, Germany, 12–16th September, 2016.
McGovern AP, Hinton W, de Lusignan S.
Will empagliflozin reduce mortality in the real world? [poster].
ABCD Spring Meeting. Manchester, UK. April 22nd, 2016.
McGovern A, Hinton W, van Vlymen J, Munro N, Whyte M, de Lusignan S.
Real world evidence on the prescribing trends in sodium glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors in UK primary care [Poster]. Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Glasgow, UK. March 2-4th, 2016.
Hinton W, McGovern A, van Vlymen J, Munro N, Whyte M, Jones S, de Lusignan S.
Poor glycaemic control is associated with higher serum triglyceride levels in clinical practice [Poster]. Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Glasgow, UK. March 2-4th, 2016.
Hinton W, McGovern A, van Vlymen J, Munro N, Whyte M, de Lusignan S.
Real world evidence on the prescribing trends of glucagon-like peptide-1 agonists in UK primary care [Poster].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Glasgow, UK. March 2-4th, 2016.
Tippu Z, Liyanage H, Correa A, Burleigh D, McGovern A, Jones S, de Lusignan S.
Ontologies to improve the identification of ethnicity in people with type 2 diabetes [Poster].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Glasgow, UK. March 2-4th, 2016.
McGovern A, Hinton W, van Vlymen J, Munro N, Whyte M, de Lusignan S.
Real world evidence on the disparities of prescribing of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors in UK primary care [Poster].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Glasgow, UK. March 2-4th, 2016.
McGovern AP, Dutta N, Watters K, Munro N, Feher M.
Added weight loss effects with dapagliflozin and GLP-1 agonists [Poster].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. London, UK. March 11-13th, 2015.
McGovern AP, Dutta N, Watters K, Munro N, Feher M.
Association of British Clinical Diabetologists Autumn Meeting. London, UK. 7th November, 2014.
Fieldhouse H, Mcgovern A, de Lusignan S.
RCGP Annual Primary Care Conference. Liverpool, UK. October 2-4th, 2014.
Fieldhouse H, Mcgovern A, de Lusignan S.
RCGP Annual Primary Care Conference. Liverpool, UK. October 2-4th, 2014.
McGovern AP, Munro N, Chan T, Jones S, de Lusignan S.
People with common mental health problems and diabetes receive better surveillance of diabetes related conditions and equal surveillance of their diabetes in primary care [Poster].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Liverpool, UK. March 5-7th, 2014.
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Research interview with: |
Brownrigg J, McGovern A, de Lusignan S, Ray K, Hinchcliffe R.
Peripheral Neuropathy is an Independant Predictor of Cardiovascular Events Among Individuals With Diabetes Mellitus [Poster].
Scientific Sessions and Resuscitation Science Symposium of the American-Heart-Association. Dallas, USA. November 19, 2013.
McGovern AP, Rusholme B, de Lusignan S, van Vlymen J, Jones S, QICKD Trial Investigators.
The relationship between hypertension, chronic renal disease and cardiovascular risk in diabetes: cohort study [Poster].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Manchester, UK. March 13-15th, 2013.
Butler L, McGovern AP, de Lusignan S, Jones S, QICKD Trial Investigators.
Postnatal monitoring for diabetes following gestational diabetes in the UK [Poster].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Manchester, UK. March 13-15th, 2013.
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McGovern AP, Rusholme B, de Lusignan S, van Vlymen J, Jones S, QICKD Trial Investigators.
People with diabetes and unmonitored renal function are at increased risk of an adverse outcome: cohort study [Poster].
Diabetes UK Professional Conference. Manchester, UK. March 15th, 2013.
McGovern AP, de Lusignan S, QICKD trial investigators.
Non-traditional Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Events in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Cohort Study [Poster].
Oxford Foundation Symposium (2012). Oxford, UK. Nov 3rd, 2012.
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University of Surrey: Department of Healthcare Management and Policy news |
Butler LI, McGovern AP, de Lusignan S, QICKD Trial investigators.
Quality of Primary Care Follow-up for Women With Gestational Diabetes: A Cohort Study [Poster].
Oxford Foundation Symposium (2012). Oxford, UK. Nov 3rd, 2012.
Whyte MB, McGovern A, Hinton W, Arrowsmith B, de Lusignan S.
Does the presence of NAFLD influence prescribing behaviour in Type 2 diabetes [Abstract].
Diabetic Medicine (March 2017). 34 (Supplement 1): P11.
Coleman M, Hinton W, McGovern A, de Lusignan S, Shawe J.
Preconception folic acid uptake in women with diabetes of childbearing age: findings from the Royal College of General Practitioners Research Surveillance Centre [Abstract].
Diabetic Medicine (March 2017). 34 (Supplement 1): P163.
McGovern A, Hinton W, de Lusignan S.
A national audit of SGLT2 use in England [Abstract].
Diabetic Medicine (March 2017). 34 (Supplement 1): P90.
Ansari AS, de Lusignan S, Arrowsmith B, Hinton W, McGovern A
The relationship between diabetes, retinopathy, glycaemic control, acute uveitis, and scleritis [Abstract].
Diabetic Medicine (March 2017). 34 (Supplement 1): P172.
Ansari AS, de Lusignan S, Arrowsmith B, Hinton W, McGovern A
Is diabetes really a risk factor for acute eye infection? [Abstract].
Diabetic Medicine (March 2017). 34 (Supplement 1): P154.
Woodmansey C, McCullough K, McGovern A, Hinton W, Arrowsmith B, Correa A, Munro N, Gatenby P, de Lusignan S
The distinct epidemiology of 'Type 3c' diabetes should prompt consideration of chronic pancreatic disease as the possible cause of a patient's diabetes [Abstract].
Diabetic Medicine (March 2017). 34 (Supplement 1): P60.
Hinton W, McGovern A, Arrowsmith B, Munro N, Whyte M, de Lusignan S.
Disparities in the monitoring and complication screening of people with type 2 diabetes [Abstract].
Diabetic Medicine (March 2017). 34 (Supplement 1): P154.
McGovern A, Hinton W, Arrowsmith B, Munro N, Whyte M, de Lusignan S.
Disparities in the prescribing of DPP-4 inhibitors, SGLT2 inhibitors, and GLP-1 analogues [Abstract].
Diabetic Medicine (March 2017). 34 (Supplement 1): P132.
McGovern A, Hinton W, Curtis BH, van Brunt K, Calderara S, de Lusignan S.
Differences in persistence by class of oral therapy for the treatment of type 2 diabetes [Abstract].
Diabetologia (September 2016). 59 (Supplement 1): S433.
Hinton W, McGovern A, Whyte M, Curtis BH, McCullough K, van Brunt K, Calderara S, de Lusignan S.
What are the HbA1c thresholds for initiating insulin therapy in people with type 2 diabetes in UK primary care? [Abstract]. Diabetologia (September 2016). 59 (Supplement 1): S416-417.
McGovern A, Hinton W, Tippu Z, Whyte M, de Lusignan S. Ethnic disparities in medication persistence in type 2 diabetes: Non-whites have reduced persistence [Abstract]. Diabetes (June 2016). 65 (Supplement 1): A23
McGovern A, Hine J, de Lusignan S. The incidence of infection is higher in older people with poor glycaemic control [Abstract].Diabetes (June 2016). 65 (Supplement 1): A382
McGovern A, Hinton W, Munro NM, Whyte MB, de Lusignan S. Do persistence rates vary between dipeptidylpeptidase-4 inhibitors? [Abstract].Diabetes (June 2016). 65 (Supplement 1): A576
Tippu Z, Liyanage H, Correa A, Burleigh D, McGovern A, Jones S, de Lusignan S. Ontologies to improve the identification of ethnicity in people with type 2 diabetes [Abstract]. Diabetic Medicine (March 2016). 33 (Supplement 1): P179-180.
McGovern A, Hinton W, van Vlymen J, Munro N, Whyte M, de Lusignan S. Real world evidence on the prescribing trends in sodium glucose co-transporter 2 inhibitors in UK primary care [Abstract]. Diabetic Medicine (March 2016). 33 (Supplement 1): P165.
Hinton W, McGovern A, van Vlymen J, Munro N, Whyte M, Jones S, de Lusignan S. Poor glycaemic control is associated with higher serum triglyceride levels in clinical practice [Abstract]. Diabetic Medicine (March 2016). 33 (Supplement 1): P157.
Hinton W, McGovern A, van Vlymen J, Munro N, Whyte M, de Lusignan S. Real world evidence on the prescribing trends of glucagon-like peptide-1 agonists in UK primary care [Abstract]. Diabetic Medicine (March 2016). 33 (Supplement 1): P165.
McGovern A, Hinton W, van Vlymen J, Munro N, Whyte M, de Lusignan S. Real world evidence on the disparities of prescribing of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors in UK primary care [Abstract]. Diabetic Medicine (March 2016). 33 (Supplement 1): P183.
McGovern AP, Dutta N, Watters K, Munro N, Feher M. Added weght loss effect with a combination of an oral sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitor and a glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) agonist in Type 2 diabetes [Abstract]. Diabetic Medicine (March 2015). 32 (Supplement 1): P2-3.
McGovern AP, Munro N, Chan T, Jones S, de Lusignan S. People with common mental health problems and diabetes receive better surveillance of diabetes related conditions and equal surveillance of their diabetes in primary care [Abstract]. Diabetic Medicine (March 2014). 31 (Supplement 1): P460.
Brownrigg J, McGovern A, de Lusignan S, Ray K, Hinchcliffe R. Peripheral Neuropathy is an Independant Predictor of Cardiovascular Events Among Individuals With Diabetes Mellitus [Abstract]. Circulation (Nov 2013). 128:22 (Supplement): Abstract 11516.
McGovern AP, Rafiq M, Munro N, Butler L, Russell-Jones D, Jones S, Hinchcliffe R, de Lusignan S. Peripheral Sensory Neuropathy is a Predictor of Mortality in People with Diabetes [Abstract]. Diabetes (July 2013). 62 (Supplement 1): A14.
McGovern AP, Rusholme B, de Lusignan S, van Vlymen J, Jones S, QICKD Trial Investigators. The relationship between hypertension, chronic renal disease and cardiovascular risk in diabetes: cohort study [Abstract]. Diabetic Medicine (2013). 30 (Supplement 1): 28.
Butler L, McGovern AP, de Lusignan S, Jones S, QICKD Trial Investigators. Postnatal monitoring for diabetes following gestational diabetes in the UK [Abstract]. Diabetic Medicine (2013). 30 (Supplement 1): 171.
McGovern AP, Rusholme B, de Lusignan S, van Vlymen J, Jones S, QICKD Trial Investigators. People with diabetes and unmonitored renal function are at increased risk of an adverse outcome: cohort study [Abstract]. Diabetic Medicine (2013). 30 (Supplement 1): 28-29.
Rafiq M, McGovern AP, de Lusignan S, Jones S. Prediction of falls in the elderly: A large community based cohort study [Abstract]. National Foundation Doctors' Presentation Day (2013). Bristol, UK. Jan 18th, 2013
McGovern AP, de Lusignan S, Jones S. Is phosphate the new cholesterol? [Abstract]. National Foundation Doctors' Presentation Day (2013). Bristol, UK. Jan 18th, 2013