"All your base are belong to us!" - Zero Wing
Online Scoreboard
To get your score on the online scoreboard you must first have the latest version of Blockz. Then simply press 's' when in play and then 'right arrow' to move across to the online scores menu. The game will automatically connect to the blockz server and submit your high scores.
Note: You must be connected to the internet and some firewalls may prevent blockz for accessing the server.
In-game Music
Include your own music to blockz by placing any mp3 files you wish to listen to, in-game, in the folder:
C:\Program Files\BNS Studios\Blockz\Sounds (or wherever you have chosen to install Blockz)
Then rename the files:
Track1.mp3, Track2.mp3, Track3.mp3, Track4.mp3
Please note the following:
- Blockz only supports a maximum of four tracks
- Blockz doesn't support tracks with 'album art' or some other tags; these may need to be removed.
If you are experiencing any problems with Blockz or you have noticed a bug in the game please contact me.
Blockz main page